A look at our proud history 1892 to the Present
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
( John 15:13)

In this very early picture of the men of the Big Stone Gap Fire Brigade the equipment was pulled to the scene by the men.

Fire Destroyed a whole block of town in 1908 this picture was obtained from Garnett Gilliam by Jeff Stipe

An older photo of the Fire Department at the old Town Hall when it stood on East 5th Street around 1920-30

This picture is an early group picture of the members of the fire department back in the 1930s and 40s

Chief Spec Mumpower riding in a parade on the departments 1948 American La France.

Chief Spec Mumpower

Station 1-note the sign that says Big Stone Gap Fire Department is not there and there is a window where the bay door was added later on this is one of the first known pictures of the station. The 1948 American La France is the newest Truck in this picture.

The Fire Department around 1953. *note the second story has not been added on yet.

Thanks to John Qualls for this picture of his father Bob Qualls (second from the left). This picture was taking sometime in the 50s after a training drill.

Station 1 without its second story addition again notice the windows and the bell sitting in the grass in front of the building it is now on the other side of the building with the time capsule

1960 Down town fire Destroyed several buildings on April 26th

Side view of the station *note the windows on this side that are no longer there and the rear bay is just being built on

Station 1 with the 1973 Ford 155 and the departments 58 and 48 La France pumpers along with a 1969 mini pumper. *note the mini pumpers bay is now the gear room and the bay is now at that back rear of the station

Group Picture of the 1973 members

The old 1948 American La France was donated to Valley Fire Department. Here it is being pulled from the storage shed at the town hall by Valley's tanker.
The old 1948 American La France was donated to Valley Fire Department. Here it is being pulled from the storage shed at the town hall by Valley's tanker.

October 12, 1977 Ben Franklin Store on Wood Avenue Fire....Appy and Norton FD were called to back up BSG firefighters.

Oct 12, 1988 This Group of Big Stone Firemen are all smiles as the men have just received new turnout gear

May 12th 1990 Fire Destroyed Helberts Market and Bowers Lumber! (Thanks to Captain Daniel Rollins for this picture)

Engine 155, Engine 1, 157 and the Fire Departments Chevy Bus just received a good washing.

2002 Fire Department Members