Home Fire Prevention Checklist
- Make sure an adult stays in the kitchen when food is being fried, grilled, or broiled.
- Make sure the stove top is clean. No grease, no spills, no clutter.
- Make sure pot handles are turned toward the back of the stove.
- Never use water to put out a grease fire.
- Make sure electrical cords are in good condition, not damaged, cracked or loose.
- Make sure ground-fault circuit interrupters, which reduce the risk of shock by shutting off electricity when it becomes a shock hazard, are hardwired into electrical outlets or extension cords. GFCIS are installed in bathrooms, garages, outdoors, at kitchen counters, and other locations in the home where there are sinks or basins.
- Make sure arc-fault circuit interrupters a type of circuit breaker that shuts off the electricity when a dangerous situation occurs, have been installed in the home. Arcs can happen at loose connections or where wires or cords have been damaged. This can lead to high temperatures and sparking, possibly igniting things that can burn.
- Make sure a qualified electrician is called to do electrical work in the home.
- Smokers go outside.
- Make sure deep sturdy ashtrays are provided for smokers.
- Make sure matches and lighters are kept in a high locked cabinet.
- Ensure space heaters are at least 3 feet from anything that can burn (walls, curtains, bedding, and furniture).
- Make sure the chimney or heating system has been inspected or cleaned in the past 12 months.
- Make sure the fire place has a sturdy screen to catch sparks.
- Make sure CO alarms are located outside each sleeping area and on every level of the home.